Saturday, December 13, 2014

12/13/2014 -- This Week's Creepsville Injection

I thought it took forever this week for Saturday to get here. Maybe it was all those threats by the local weatherman reminding us how lucky those of us in Illinois are this year. Well, winter hasn't even officially begun, of course. When it does, I'm sure we'll get our share of snow.

Just like the expected snow, here comes this week's Creepsville. Major differences with the white falling stuff is that this comic is fairly dry (no water on my scanner after scanning) and can safely be driven on.

Meanwhile, this Wednesday will see... I don't know. I also expect that there will be a number of Christmas surprises posted in front and after Wednesday. Will the actual Laughing Reindeer show themselves?

While you ponder that, read this week's Creepsville fix by clicking on the image below to bring up the legible, larger copy.

Also, as a reminder, the HERO Illustrated Rodeo Clowns and Editorial staff will be reuniting for the very first time (except that Mexican jail thing we don't talk about) for a live podcast on Sunday night at 10:30 PM Central Time. I'm really looking forward to  bumping into my old moptop buddies to discuss a gig that was probably the most fun I ever had (hell, we got paid to read comic books).

Until next time, see you in the funny pages.

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